
insetrs writtings here...

Saturday, 23 January 2016


A soundtrack to any film is important, let alone an indie film. It adds to the atmosphere, and makes scenes 10X more dramatic. Take a film like 'Django Unchained' for example. The soundtrack is a mix of modern R&B and old county rock/blues. And an original score by Ennio Moriconne. Although being set in the 1850s the modern sounds really adds to the "awe" and "excitement" of the scenes.
For my soundtrack I would include:
-The Lautspechter - Ester
-Blade Runner blues - Vangalis
-Blade Runner end theme - Vangalis
-Hellraiser - Mötorhead
-Sweet Little Sister - Skid Row
-Snoke - John Williams
-Without You - Nilson
-Walking In My Shoes - Depeche Mode
-Rebal Rebal - David Bowie
This soundtrack is a mix of existing film soundtracks and pop/rock hits. This is an example of "The Frankenstein's Monster" film, as it is a mix of different films cut apart and sown back together to create something completely different. But I'll talk more about that in detail later.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Filming locations

For 2072 I wanted a really remote location where no one would be around. I also wanted it too look old and tattered as if no one had been there in years, and as if it had been evacuated. So for this I chose a 10th century church in Idsworth called, St Hubert's. It is an amazing location as it is centred dead in the middle of a huge field. Its surroundings are nothing but hills for miles and miles. Around the back of the church is a forest, just off the forest is a well that is as old as the church itself. I was unaware that the well had been cautioned off by barbed wire, but it diddnt manage to stop us from getting down there to film.

The second place we shot also needed to look abandoned, but a little more modern. The perfect place for this was Hordean Precintct. Small prescient of about 10 shops, 80% of which are closed down. This was the perfect accessible place to film this scene.

Lastly, to film scenes with Shawcross we went to London to use some of its settings there. We used, the bridge next to the BFI, the national gallery, and Leicester Square. This showed an alternate, juxtaposed life to that of Alistair, as there is a completely opposite atmosphere between them.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016


To advertise the movie, various posters are made at different points prior to the film release. Let's look at some of the posters for the upcoming film, Deadpool (2016) staring Ryan Reynolds.

In these posters we see the one character Humourously posing . Main things to notice:
-Positioning of character
-Background colour
-Tag line
-Film titled
-Release date
However, it's important not to get ahead of yourself with the advertising. Recently deadpool released a billboard which simply had two emojis and the letter L. 💀💩L. Of course it's supposed to be broken down as: Dead-Poo-l, however most people diddnt understand the reference and all of a sudden the hashtag: #skullpoopl was trending on social media. Of course in someways this did help advertise the film, and the star Ryan Reynolds went along with it and posted a very funny edit on his Twitter account.

So, when making a poster for 2072 I tried to add all the aspects from the deadpool posters as a template for what to add to my own.


In the posters above I used various different layouts. The most effective ones are the first and third due to the positioning of the title. The black and white goes with the theme of the film and is filtered with a pencil texture that I wanted to use to make look like the posters of Drew Struzan. And in some small way I think I got some element of his early designs in there. 


The final poster I came up with, encorperates all things a poster should have: Actors, Hashtags, Title, Tagline, a release date, Reveiws and an awesome, filtered picture of one of the characters from the film. 

Overall, I quite like the final poster, as it's simplistic, doesn't give too much away, and leaves some mystery into the film. The hashtag will let people be talking about it on social media, and make the hype build up. And the title is so large and short, people are bound to remeber it and talk about it.