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Thursday, 14 April 2016

Advertising 2

On the 2072 Facebook page I made a competition to get people more involved and more hyped for the release of the film. The contest includes the question: "what do you ant to see in the future?" This was an appropriate question considering the nature and  themes of the film. We chose Facebook as we know it's one of the most popular websites on the Internet with 72% of web users having Facebook accounts. 82% of these users are between the ages of 18-29, roughly our demographic for the film. 

Stats taken from pewinternet survey 2015


To advertise 2072 I printed off some posters and decided to stick them up around the collage. Since doing this views have gone up on the clips from 90 to 122. Here are the locations of the posters:

You can see, I put them in quite obvious palaces where many people will walk post and see them at eye level. This is what contributed to gaining more views on the video. Hopefully it will control nune to advertise the film.