Independent movie production companies:
The following image shows a collection of logos from studios that are considered to be the most dominant modern independent film makers. in case you cannot see the images, the logos are (top left to top right):
STX Films
The Western Company
Broadgreen Pictures
Image Entertainment
Magnolia Picture
Troma Entertainment
IM Global
Yari Film Group
Exclusive Media
Samuel Goldwyn Films
Screen Media Films
Phase 4 Films
Film 4
The majority of these logos follow one design similarity: they're are very generic as the follow one font and typically found in the color black. As professional as they look the repeated use of this idea has warn out in my eyes. If more companies keep to this idea they will be less easy to distinguish. Compare them to the top five major production companies: Warner Bros, Metro Goldwyn Mayer, RKO, Paramount and 20th Century FOX. *logos seen below*

Now its no lie these logos have a lot more going on, but I guess that reflects the budget they're on, and as this logo will always come on before the film (normally with some grand royal fanfare) it also shows that it is a mainstream Hollywood film. This could be why the "indie" films have a more generic look to them as it show the budget was not as big as the average Hollywood blockbuster. However, I think it is important to have a grand colorful logo as it make the company become instantly recognizable. For example, you might associate the 2006 Steve Martin Pink Panther film (this is a personal example as you can probably tell) with Metro Goldwyn Mayer [MGM]. Speaking from my 7 year old self here its not only recognizable due to the 'scary roaring lion' but to the fact in this particular film, the charter of Inspector Clouseau Hijacks the opening of the film while the logo is on screen. This is more memorable (as i remember it from 9 years ago) because of its links with the film. This is especially more memorable for a younger audience as the target audience for this particular film is young people. This can be seen here:
Whereas a company such as Worldview Entertainment, recently made the 2015 hit film 'Birdman' Now I watched that that in the cinema THIS year and I don't remember seeing them anywhere. But we have to take into consideration that the Pink Panther (2006) is a family comedy and Birdman is Satirical black-comedy drama. Plus I would be seriously judging what kind of film I was watching if Micheal Keaton randomly popped his head out the 'O' in Worldveiw Entertainment... Although that would be quite funny...