The following Photos are based of the images below from, "The Maltese Falcon". The whole black and white style of noir really works well with suits as it is reminiscent of gangsters from the 40s/50s. a good idea would be to have a 40/50s story with costumes and dialect from that era, but set in modern days. Anyway here are the photos, the key points here are: lighting, costume and prop. *The photos have been edited with filters to add an extra layer of depth to the photo*

As you can see i've got for the classic grey/black suit with white shirt, black tie and braces. I'm really proud of the outcome of these as they do capture elements of the "Maltese Falcon".from costume, to lighting and props (cigarettes and guns). Its no so much copying, its more being influenced as a number of Noir films from the 40s such as: Double Indemnity (1944), Out of the Past (1947) and Laura (1944) as have similar styles and costumes; generally because that was the fashion back then.
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